THE FILMS: Macabre (1958, William Castle), Rosemary’s Baby (Roman Polanski, 1968), Matinee (1993, Joe Dante)
THE CONNECTION: These films all mark important moments in William Castle’s career and how he left a lasting impact on film and pop culture.
THE THINKING: Today is William Castle’s birthday, so this week’s triple feature is a celebration of the man and his contributions to Hollywood. If you ask critics, most of his films were B-level at best. But if you ask the audiences that lined up around the block to see them when they were released, they would have said that nobody created a better moviegoing experience. In-theater gimmicks like “Percepto” and “Emergo” were the tools Castle used to turn okay stories into immersive theme park rides which had young people everywhere talking about them. And today, nearly fifty years after his death, an entirely new audience is making his work as relevant as ever through revivals and retrospectives—oftentimes complete with the marketing stunts that made him so beloved.